While every doctor who treats patients needs to see this video, so does anyone who fears getting a positive diagnosis. Covid-19 is treatable and if you or your loved one gets the dreaded diagnosis, you can and should demand access to treatment. For those at highest risk of severe illness, it will increase the chances of a positive outcome by 85%.
COVID-19 is not only killing people, it’s destroying businesses, crushing dreams, and wreaking havoc on mental health. It’s also driving a serious wedge between neighbours, communities, and society as a whole. As Canadians helplessly watch what some are calling a race between covid variants and the effectiveness of widespread vaccination, most are unaware there’s another way out of this disaster, and doctors hold the key.
In this incredible testimony, leading medical researcher Dr. Peter McCullough addresses the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee. The most widely published medical scholar in the world in his expertise, Dr. McCullough is an expert in the field of heart and kidney, an editor of two major journals, and an accomplished research scholar.

In this remarkable address you’ll hear that doctors haven’t been given any real instruction on how to treat patients in the time between a positive diagnosis and a week or two later when some become seriously ill. It’s not well publicized yet, but Dr. Peter McCullough is doing all he can to let the medical community know by treating positive covid cases early, they can reduce the number of covid patients heading to the hospital by 85% ! The medical trials are legitimate. The documentation on early onset treatment is verified.
Within two days of this testimony (March 10) the Texas Senate introduced legislation to mandate information on early treatment be provided to every positive covid-19 patient. The key now is for doctors to act.
Here is Dr. McCullough’s recent presentation at the Capitol building in Austin, Texas.